QIS BGA provides opportunity for eligible independent schools to apply for capital grants for the development of school based educational facilities. Policies in relation to the application for and the allocation of capital assistance provided by the Australian and State Governments, include:
QIS BGA operations
If you wish to make a formal complaint, the QIS BGA Complaint Form should be lodged with the General Manager of Queensland Independent Schools Block Grant Authority (QIS BGA) as per the QIS BGA Client Complaints Policy.
​Making an application for capital assistance
The New Schools Policy provides information on applying for capital assistance for both newly accredited and existing approved authorities seeking to establish a new school or a new campus of an existing school.
- QIS BGA New Schools Policy coming soon
Request to Review where a project is not recommended
The Education/Building Committee, the Finance Committee and ultimately the QIS BGA Board of Directors (the Board) are responsible for the assessment of applications and making recommendations to the relevant Minister for the allocation of capital grants. Through the application of the guidelines of the Australian Government Capital Grants Program (CGP) and the Queensland Government State Capital Assistance Scheme (SCAS), schools will be advised if the Board has been unable to recommend that a grant be allocated for a proposed project.
CGP and SCAS operate under separate guidelines. Where a project has not been recommended to the relevant Minister, an Approved Authority and/or applicant school may choose to request a review.
Reference should be made to the review provisions of each program prior to providing a written submission to the QIS BGA General Manager:
The scope of the SCAS guideline (Section 17) does not provide for the review of an application where a grant has not been recommended.
The CGP guidelines (clauses 92 and 94) require that the applicant school be afforded the opportunity to request a review where a grant has not been recommended. The QIS BGA requirements and procedures regarding a formal Request to Review are provided to guide Approved Authorities through the process.
Further information on a Request to Review
Schools seeking to discuss a review of a grant allocation, grant management processes and/or other aspects of the application process should contact the QIS BGA General Manager.